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Smith & Grant, Leven, Fife - Scottish solicitors & estate agents
'We offer a comprehensive legal service.'
Smith & Grant, Leven, Fife - Scottish solicitors & estate agents
Solicitors & Staff
Legal Services
Court Department
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Head Office
Rathellan, High Street, Leven, Fife, KY8 4PR
T : 01333 423441   F : 01333 427342

Property Shop
4 Commercial Road, Leven, Fife, KY8 4LE
T : 01333 423441   F : 01333 427342

Court Department
Rathellan, High Street, Leven, Fife, KY8 4PR
T : 01333 420015   F : 01333 420016

Edinburgh Solicitors Property Centre

Legal Services

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Court Department

There are few things in life more daunting than being faced with the prospect of appearing before a Court...

Hopefully it might never come to that but if you do have a problem and aren't sure how to resolve it, you can always rely upon our Court Department to advise you.

No matter the nature of your legal problem, whether the matter is civil or criminal, we have a wealth of experience to call upon to ensure that the outcome is the very best for you.

From preliminary informal advice right the way through to representation before the Courts and other formal hearings, we can provide experienced and practical assistance. If for whatever reason we are unable to assist with your particular problem, then we will always do what we can to assist in finding the right expert who can help you.

Depending upon your circumstances, you may qualify for help with your costs through Legal Aid. It may even cost you nothing. We are happy to undertake legally-aided work for you and a few simple questions can allow us to assess your eligibility. We are happy to assess your eligibility for free.

No matter whether you qualify for Legal Aid, we are happy to provide a free initial consultation. This should allow you to decide whether you wish to pursue matters without the worry of having wasted money simply to find out. A full explanation of charges and likely costs will be also be provided together with any other preliminary information required.

We may even be able to sort out your problem by a quick chat on the telephone or a brief meeting. Bear in mind that we have successfully dealt with literally thousands of such situations over the years and what might seem to you to be a huge and complicated problem might very well be easily resolved by us in next to no time.

Peace of mind (and a good night's sleep) may be only a phone-call away.

  • Civil Representation
  • Criminal Representation

Free Initial Consultations
Ask us for a free no-obligation initial consultation.

Needing sound legal advice?
Between the various teams here at Smith & Grant, we can provide you with the full range of legal services, everything, indeed, that you are ever likely to require.

Contact us by telephone or email to discuss how we can help you.

Smith & Grant, Leven, Fife - Scottish solicitors & estate agents
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