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Smith & Grant, Leven, Fife - Scottish solicitors & estate agents
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Smith & Grant, Leven, Fife - Scottish solicitors & estate agents
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Wills and Estates

Facing up to our own mortality is never easy for any of us and having to sit down and think about making a will makes us do just that. The temptation is always there to simply to put it off to another day.

But what if that day never comes?

None of us can see into the future and it is a simple fact of life that accidents do happen. Every day. By taking just a few minutes of your time, you can make sure that your wishes are properly and professionally recorded.

Making a will isn't just for those people who are advancing in years or who have complex financial affairs to sort out. These days, we all have something that we would like to see go to those whom we feel most deserve it.

Having a will professionally prepared is quite simply the only way that you can be sure that your last wishes are properly recorded. If you die without leaving a will, or the home-made will that you've left is defective in some way, then the law sets out a number of fallback rules, any one of which might result in your estate being divided in a manner very far from how you would have chosen. If only you had got round to having that will drawn up!

Without a will, the winding up of your estate is likely to be considerably more complicated, time-consuming and expensive for your loved ones - all at a time when they are likely to be least able to deal with such difficulties. Substantial additional legal costs will also be needlessly incurred.

Other than in the most complex of cases, we offer a FREE WILL service so you can make sure that your last wishes are acted upon and that those closest to you receive what you would have wished.

Over the years, we have prepared literally thousands of wills. We can guide you on basic estate planning and, in more complex cases, arrange for detailed expert advice to be obtained so that the most tax-effective arrangements are put in place.

We will assist and advise in the winding-up process and help in dealing with any necessary formalities arising. At such times, we feel that those left behind have other more pressing matters to deal with and that grieving families and loved ones should be allowed to grieve in peace whilst we deal with such practical matters as promptly and sensitively as possible.

Give yourself, and your loved ones, peace of mind and call us today.

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Ask us for a free no-obligation initial consultation.

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Between the various teams here at Smith & Grant, we can provide you with the full range of legal services, everything, indeed, that you are ever likely to require.

Contact us by telephone or email to discuss how we can help you.

Smith & Grant, Leven, Fife - Scottish solicitors & estate agents
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